Innovating New Gene Therapy Treatments for Infectious Diseases

    Our gene therapy platform, AAV-mAb, is designed to make and release proprietary, specific monoclonal antibodies (mAb) against healthcare-acquired and pandemic infections.

    Targeted Treatment for Infections

    Our product candidates may be used both to treat active infections and prophylactically, to prevent infections from occurring.

    Healthcare-acquired viral infections:

    • Respiratory syncytial virus
    • Influenza and parainfluenza

    Healthcare-acquired bacterial infections:

    • Clostridium difficile
    • Staphylococcus aureus
    • Escherichia coli
    • Enterococcus faecalis
    • Pseudomonas aeruginosa
    • Group A Streptococcus

    Pandemic infections:

    • COVID-19


    Avamab Pharma Inc. was founded in 2018 in Calgary, Canada. Our executive and scientific team brings together decades of experience in drug development and taking new therapies to market. Our mission is to develop gene therapies to safely and effectively treat life-threatening infections, including those that have become resistant to existing treatments. To this end, we use our gene therapy platform, AAV-mAb, to make and release proprietary, specific monoclonal antibodies (mAb) against healthcare-acquired and pandemic infections.

    How it Works


    Release Viral Vector

    Our product candidates may be used both to treat active infections and prophylactically, to prevent infections from occurring.


    Produce Antibodies

    Target cells are induced to produce neutralizing mAb.


    Treat Infection

    The healthcare-acquired or pandemic infection is treated.

    For More Information